personal responsibility

354 Amy's Mess

Hunger, for the lucky among us, is an inconvenience, the final straw during a bad day that fuels a bad temper, or an awkward moment in a silent room. But for many in our community hunger is painful, difficult, and inescapable making it near impossible to do anything let alone attend school. Approximately 2.5 million children are homeless in the United States, many of whom somehow still have to attend school, often hungry. But we can help, whether it be through donations or time, we can help the children in our communities.

Today Sarah Elkins and Amy Adams discuss Amy’s Mess, a nonprofit organization that seeks to feed the children and families of the Helena Community and to spread awareness of the plight of homeless families. 

340 Unity in Connectedness 

How we present ourselves with our intentions and energy is as important as a freshly pressed suit when building community and connection in both our work and personal lives. In helping others and accepting help, by being positive and allowing positivity to thrive, in accepting ourselves and others we can build true connectedness.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Sophie Lechner discuss the importance of connectedness in our lives and how building true meaningful relationships can shape our lives.

325 Writing Our Own Stories

Although hard work and dedication can get you quite far in life, it helps immeasurably to have someone at your back who believes in you and inspires you to strive towards your goals and future. Our stories, though valuable, do not define us and should be used as kindling for the fires of ambition. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Kïrsten Blake discuss the importance of how our stories shape our paths in life but most importantly how the people involved in our stories inspire and guide us to success.

324 Facets of Value

Valuing every facet of where you work, especially if you work with other people, is vital to the survival and prosperity of any company. From treating your customers with integrity and respect, to rewarding the hard work and dedication of loyal and valuable employees, in order to thrive in the world as a business you must value every facet of that business.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Blake Hutchinson discuss the importance of appreciating the skills and abilities of everyone in a company, while also giving the absolute best to customers and the public.

316 Community In The Age of Social Media

Throughout our careers we will all need to make decisions to benefit ourselves and others by being a good leader and building up our teammates. In the age of social media and technology it is easy to focus on progress and monetization over the health of your community and your team. It is vital to your growth as a person and a business owner to choose community and growth for the betterment of your business, your community, and your team.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and the equally accomplished Eric Elkins discuss the importance of community and teamwork in our current age, how taking the time to listen to others and hold yourself and them accountable can lead to growth and change in the world around you. Eric also shares the skill of storytelling and brings awareness, compassion, and mindfulness to the conversation.

Episode 119: Taking Responsibility for Your Story

When his doctor told him he wouldn't live more than 5 years because of his weight-related health issues, Paul Brodie knew he had a choice to make.

It wasn't easy hearing the news, he remembers shedding some tears, but then the choice was easy. It was time to change his habits because he wanted to live, and he wanted to live well.