
344 Evolving Stories

Returning for his second episode, Tom Jackobs and Sarah Elkins discuss how storytelling has changed for both of them since their last conversation, how their tools and strategies have changed, as well as how important storytelling is as a medium for both of them. 

316 Community In The Age of Social Media

Throughout our careers we will all need to make decisions to benefit ourselves and others by being a good leader and building up our teammates. In the age of social media and technology it is easy to focus on progress and monetization over the health of your community and your team. It is vital to your growth as a person and a business owner to choose community and growth for the betterment of your business, your community, and your team.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and the equally accomplished Eric Elkins discuss the importance of community and teamwork in our current age, how taking the time to listen to others and hold yourself and them accountable can lead to growth and change in the world around you. Eric also shares the skill of storytelling and brings awareness, compassion, and mindfulness to the conversation.

286 Choosing and Creating Your Own Community

Connection and choosing the community that will help you grow and thrive is vital to self growth and peace of mind, especially when you are going through major changes in life or are thinking of how you want to spend your life. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Vanessa Jupe discuss the importance of community and connection while navigating life and its changes.

276 Finding Your Niche

Living in an age that is so polarized it is more important than ever to care for the communities we are a part of. Like the squirrel that stores a nut that sprouts into a sapling, it’s up to us and our agency to make a change not just for our community but for ourselves as well, because even a small change is still a change and all niches in our environment need to be filled. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Hauson Le discuss how the division within our communities can be changed through our actions and by maintaining a hopeful impact, despite how frightening and anxiety-inducing challenging such adversity can be.

Episode 159: Her Stories, Her Hustle, Her Community

I met Michelle Y. Talbert via LinkedIn years ago, when I was first building my network. I was intrigued by her podcast Her Power Hustle, and was immediately inspired by her honesty and integrity in the work she did.

Episode 120: Not A Super Fan of a Show or Movie? You Might Be Missing Out!

Evolutional Psychology: Stories of Tribal Communities Based on Fandom

Annette Taylor playfully describes her transformation from a semi-traditional adult into a super fan of the tv show Supernatural as her second adolescence or her mid-life crisis.


But instead of blindly following her urge to dive into this newfound side of herself, she became very curious about the “why” behind this transformation. What was driving her to shift her behavior in this way? What was happening in her brain that could explain the intense desire to watch every episode, learn everything she could about the characters and the actors who played them, and even to fly across the country for a convention for the show?

Having a master’s degree in educational psychology, and many years of experience in the human development field, Annette started a deep dive into a related field - evolutionary psychology. Over the past few years, she has read and absorbed hundreds of books and articles, driven to understand the intensity that comes with super fandom. Her conclusion? Humans continue to demonstrate characteristics of our great, great, great, great…. ancestors, all the way back to when we were cave dwellers.

As cave-dwellers, we started to truly understand the value of a community or tribe. We innately understood that when we liked and appreciated the same things as the people around us, our lives were a little bit simpler and safer.

This characteristic translates into what we see now in the behaviors of entire groups of people, from super fans of tv shows, movies, musicians and theatre, to religious communities and political parties. When we find people who feel strongly like we do about something, we feel deeply connected to them, we feel understood and appreciated, and we feel safe to express our opinions and feelings.

During our conversation about Annette’s education, she mentioned that the founders of Evolutionary Psychology were at UCSB, here’s the website for the Center for Evolutionary Psychology.

Annette’s deep dive into the psyche of super fans continues, and she shares her thoughts and insights on a variety of platforms. Visit her blog site, Congirl vs. Cavegirl (Congirl is slang for convention girl), follow her on Twitter, take a look at her published article in Psychology Today, and connect with her on LinkedIn to learn more.

Episode 116: The Realities of Improving Our Polarized Communities

In 2018, Monica Bourgeau felt compelled to write a book that would help people come to a basic understanding about our common, “wicked” problems, and how to help create solutions. Her October, 2014 article on Huffington Post, “7 Ways You Can Change the World”, continues to grab views, and she was hearing from readers that the article made a big difference for them.