281 Perfectly Imperfect

281 Perfectly Imperfect

As we go through life it is absolutely imperative to our well-being as human beings to grow and keep an open mind, to search for the fulfillment that brings us peace despite the turbulence of life, be that through a career, education, spiritualism, or family, finding that peace is possible however hard work can only take you so far if you do not give yourself grace and love.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Jana Wilson discuss the importance of taking care of ourselves and those we care for in order to attain our goals, and find peace in the knowledge that you can learn to love yourself and your progress.


  • Finding new aspects of yourself as you grow.

  • Practicing critical thinking to become objective.

  • What’s being said, what isn’t being said, and what needs to be said.


“When you start walking down a really deep spiritual path of growth and evolution you’ve got to have Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, you have to have all your cares pretty much taken care of to really go on a journey, a deeper journey I feel.”

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

What steps are you going to take to feed those six things we talked about? Particularly the emotional, the physical, and the spiritual well being. What can you do today to acknowledge something about yourself that you can love?

And, as always, thank you for listening. 

About Jana

Jana is an author, retreat leader and founder of the Emotional Healing System. She is a meditation teacher, hypnotherapist, and HeartMath Facilitator.  For the past two decades she has taught thousands internationally in group and private retreats.

Connect with Jana on her Facebook and Instagram

Be sure to check out Jana’s website Here, and Emotional Healing Retreat

About Sarah

"Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

Be sure to check out the Job Interview Storytelling Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!