Heather Younger Demonstrates Care In Everything She Does
How do you describe a caring leader?
Heather Younger's book, The Art of Caring Leadership, offers 9 key aspects to consider, and a free assessment to quantify what appear to be qualifying character traits. And to make the book and assessment even more actionable, Heather has created a free community site for people to exchange ideas, ask questions, and share experiences.
What I love about the book is that the expectation isn't for every leader to be caring in the same way. Heather knows that each of us must be true to ourselves in how we lead, while being self-reflective enough to know when we're getting in our own way, and making gradual, consistent adjustments when necessary.
Our conversation might just be what you're looking for to get you thinking about what kind of leader you are, where you can improve, and why it matters.
Heather Younger, Author of The Art of Caring Leadership
Heather Younger is a best-selling author, international speaker, consultant, adjunct organizational leadership professor, and facilitator who has earned her reputation as “The Employee Whisperer.” Her experiences as an entrepreneur, manager, attorney, writer, coach, listener, speaker, collaborator, and mother all lend themselves to a laser-focused clarity into what makes employees of organizations and companies—large and small—tick.
"Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."
In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.
Audiobook promo image
My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home. The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!
Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.